Mailinglist Archive

The Web100 project
From:Joe Klemmer
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 12:42:02 -0400

The Web100 project was created to produce a complete host-software 
environment that will run common TCP applications at 100% of the 
available bandwidth, regardless of the magnitude of a network's 
capability. Web100 has endowed TCP with better instrumentation. This 
instrumentation is the foundation for both the TCP autotuning performed 
in process-level code and the process- level tools designed to locate 
bottlenecks within the following major subsystems: the sending 
application, the sending OS, the Internet path, the receiving OS, and 
the receiving application. Measurement tools have also been built on 
this instrumentation to display performance indicators to end-users, as 
well as provide internal diagnostics for network and system administrators.