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How SCO's Threats Rallied Linux
From:Joe Klemmer
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 11:17:48 -0500

How SCO's Threats Rallied Linux
By Stuart Cohen
FEBRUARY 7, 2005

Thanks to quick action from fans large and small, the legal offensive 
against the open-source software is helping make it stronger.

BOOMERANG EFFECT.  But a funny thing happened on the way to the 
courthouse: Instead of mortally wounding Linux, the litigation and 
threats only made it stronger. According to the market research firm 
IDC, annual Linux-related information-technology revenue prior to the 
SCO allegations was less than $10 billion. In 2004 the estimate exceeded 
$14 billion, and IDC projects that sales should reach $35 billion by 2008.