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Dear one-browser Web designers: Don't say I didn't warn you
From:Joe Klemmer
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 16:56:46 -0400

Dear one-browser Web designers: Don't say I didn't warn you
Monday September 27, 2004 (08:00 AM GMT)
By: Robin 'roblimo' Miller

In my 2002 book, The Online Rules of Successful Companies, I said it was
stupid to design Web sites that would work correctly only with the most
popular Web browser. Yes, I told readers, over 90% of all Internet users
today may use Microsoft's Internet Explorer (MSIE), but not long ago 90%
of all Internet users ran Netscape. Web designers and site owners who
made Netscape-only sites had to scramble madly to redo their work when
MSIE started getting popular. "Learn from this!" I said.